diesel. For that reason, the technology we
used was very important to ensuring we
delivered a system that would work for
local residents,” Sam says.
A big part of that came in the form of
the BEEBox, an energy display device that
was developed specifically for this project.
In total, 250 homes across East Arnhem
Land had a BEEBox installed at no charge.
“The unique BEEbox technology was
developed by the Centre for Appropriate
Technology (CAT) and provides real
time feedback to residents about their
electricity consumption,” Sam says.
“The BEEbox gives householders real
time information about their energy
use so they can make choices about
budgeting and managing their own
electricity consumption.”
BEEbox stands for ‘Bushlight Energy
Efficiency box’. It consists of a controller
installed at the meter box and the inside
display unit which is typically mounted
to an internal wall.
“The findings of the project showed that
people really appreciated learning about
how power works and howmuch power
different appliances use,” Sam says.
“Ultimately, power consumption really
depended on the appliances people could
afford to buy in addition to the number
of bedrooms in their home. So the best
results came from installing higher
efficiency appliances.”
But the biggest benefit would appear to
have come fromworkplace training.
“The education and employment were
highly valued by residents. Already there
are reports that the workers who were
part of this project have moved into other
positions,” Sam says.
“This project gave many a first
opportunity to phase into the work
force and learn skills in a supportive
environment and in their own language.
“Moving forward, we are keen to
partner with other organisations that
are interested in social outcomes. We
can’t do this alone.”
The Manymak Energy Efficiency Project
was delivered by PWC in association
with CAT, Charles Darwin University, NT
Department of Housing and East Arnhem
Regional Council.
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