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backgrounds and many of their parents
have been in trades themselves. So
they often have a natural affinity
towards trades.”
According to John, many of the players
who have completed an apprenticeship
are quite adamant it has improved their
game on the field, too.
“There’s discipline in having to get up
at a certain time, being on the tools all
day and then going to training when
you’re tired. You have to be pretty
tough,” he says.
“Vice versa, the discipline they learn
playing football carries over into their
trade work.
“Playing junior footy is an
apprenticeship in itself. You start as a
16-year-old, learn lessons and progress
through to the Under 18s, if you’re lucky.
Then if you’re lucky again, you’ll go
through to the Under 20s.
“If you’re really lucky you get to go
play with the big boys. Just 9-10% of
our current Under 20s cohort, which is
around 500 players, will ever make it
through the top level.”
That means about 450 players will
not make it.
Each player in the Under 20s and
the NRL are entitled to up $2,000 per
annum in financial assistance for TAFE
or university courses. John says there
are now plans to expand this to state
league competitions.
“All these players need is a bit of
support and the right kind of support will
help them to be successful,” he says.
David Gower, 31, has been playing
professional rugby league since 2006.
Currently playing for the Parramatta
Eels, David is a qualified electrician who
strongly advocates apprenticeships
among the playing group.
“When I finished high school, I really
didn’t know what I wanted to do. My
father and grandfather were builders but
carpentry wasn’t really for me,” he says.
“They suggested the electrical industry.
I was always relatively good at school and
I enjoyed maths, which is obviously a big
part of getting into the electrical industry.
I was also lucky that one of my coaches
fromwhen I was a young fella owned a
contracting company based in Galdesville,
which wasn’t too far fromwhere I lived.
“Initially I was going to help out as a
trades assistant but my former coach
suggested coming on as an apprentice.
“I thoroughly enjoyed my time as an
apprentice. And the company – Raven
Electrical – was fantastic, especially
working around my footy commitments.”
After two-and-a-half years working
with Raven, David packed his bags and
moved to the UK for 18 months, to play in
the English Super League.
“When I came back, I picked up where
I left off at Raven. I transitioned straight
back into work. It was fantastic from
a development point of view, being a
tradesman and having to juggle work
and football.
“Being a tradie teaches you discipline
and time management skills, and you
develop a real hunger to work hard and
succeed. I’m really thankful for Raven and
my time as an electrician because it made
me appreciate hard work and really look
forward to the challenge.”
During his time on the tools, David was
involved in some high profile projects,
including the Lane Cove Tunnel, the
heritage-listed Transport House in
Circular Quay and the Children’s Medical
Research Institute at the Westmead
Children’s Hospital.
“I was 25 when I started playing football
full time. That was the end of 2010, so I
spent a good five years in the trade.
“Nowadays, a lot of guys transition
straight into full time football. They don’t
enter the workforce or study anything
that is meaningful.
“In the Parramatta squad right now, just
me and Cody Nelson, who is two or three
years into an electrical apprenticeship,
have a trade behind us. There’s a big gap
around education for players.
“I find this surprising because with
being a tradesman, the hours are good
and it’s physical work so you would think
that a lot of athletes would be interested,
but a lot of young kids put all their eggs in
one basket.”
David says he’s sure that the electrical
industry will play a big role in his future.
“Being an electrician is fantastic. It’s a
well-paying job and it’s a stable job. And
the electrical industry is always going to
be around and need skilled workers.
“A lot of other industries are becoming
automated and moving away frommanual
labour. For me, having a trade, even if
you ultimately want to do something
different, is a fantastic ‘fallback’. It will
give you skills and life lessons, and more
importantly it’s something that nobody
can ever take away from you.
“If all else fails, you can always get back
on the tools and be well paid.
“I thought about giving up the trade
after two-and-a-half years, when I moved
to the UK, but I know I made the right
choice in seeing it through.”
Most recently, David completed
a Certificate IV in Training and
Assessment. His plans for after his
football career include the potential
of heading back to TAFE to become an
electrical trade teacher.