Health & Safety
INEREX fire suppression system helps prevent data centre disasters
Rotarex has released the INEREX inert gas system to help stop fires in data centres, environments that can sometimes be hotbeds for fires due to the ... -
Give your old boots the boot with Blundstone
Blundstone is calling on tradies to walk into the new year with a new pair of boots on. Work boots don’t last forever and over time ... -
Clipsal releases new solutions to keep Australians safe
Clipsal has released a safety switch into Australian homes which will bring the country into a new era of electrical protection with the introduction of the ... -
Solar chimneys can save energy and lives
In a collaboration between RMIT University and the City of Kingston, researchers have developed the worlds-first solar chimneys which aim to cut energy costs in half ... -
Nearly half the Australian construction sector turns to technology for risk management
With the COVID-19 pandemic forcing businesses to rely on technology much more, Procore Technologies has released the first findings of its second annual Australian construction industry ... -
COVID-19 testing to begin on construction sites
Building and construction workers will get dedicated mobile testing facilities under a new Incolink initiative, supported by the federal government. Incolink chief executive Erik Locke says ... -
Site Safety Alliance launches national initiative to boost ground level engagement
With its Australia-wide launch this month, the Site Safety Alliance will introduce a world-first platform that makes safety initiatives simple, cost-effective and save time for site ... -
How to protect yourself, employees and clients amid COVID-19
In a few short weeks the world as we know it has changed. The coronavirus pandemic has thrown businesses, communities and industries into a state of ... -
Wiring Rules amendment released
Amendment one of the 2018 edition of AS/NZS 3000 Wiring Rules has been released. It includes a major change to section 7.8 on specific electrical installations, ... -
Queensland/NSW construction site safety guide for 2020/21
Pro-Visual Publishing, in conjunction with Master Builder NSW and the Queensland Building and Construction commission has released the NSW Construction Site Safety Guide 2020/21 and the ...