What’s the deal with mate’s rates?
People with trade skills are always faced with the old ‘mates rates’ dilemma, so how do you offer or not offer them without affecting relationships with ... -
The lasting effects of Infinity Cable
On the heels of the Infinity cable debacle, authorities have issued one of the largest recalls in the history of the electrical industry. Paul Skelton investigates ... -
Compliance is key
Those of us involved in the lighting industry understand better than most the importance of compliance and the very real consequences of the work we do, ... -
Winning Business: Is Price Everything?
A common question asked by builders today is: “Should I lower my prices to stay competitive in a tough market – even if this means my ... -
WANTED: Electricians for consumption monitor roll-out
A new government funded scheme to put electricity consumption monitors into Australian homes will rely on electricians to do the installation, writes Graeme Philipson. The program ... -
Considering an apprentice? Read this first.
Today’s apprentices are probably quite a bit different from when you started your trade a number of years ago. For example: They will nearly always have ... -
Australian homes get smart
Ever since The Jetsons first appeared on our TV screens in the 1960s, home automation has been a common backdrop in popular culture visions of the ... -
Test hundreds of RCDs with Rapid Test
This Aussie product speeds up the testing of RCDs, allowing you to reduce the downtime for clients and complete more jobs. Callum Fitzpatrick reports. Under current ... -
Solar Roadways drives solar innovation
This solar panel paving system can illuminate freeways and produce energy for nearby communities. It even has the potential to produce more clean renewable energy than ...