Bloke’s Health
It’s only indigestion, doc!
The phone call was put through to me at work. It was a footballing mate and patient. “Crimmo, I’ve had this tight chest pain and I ... -
Dealing with diabetes
Unfortunately diabetes is a very common disease in our society. It was recently estimated that there were over a million diabetics in Australia with about ... -
Checking in with the doctor
In the very early stages of ManSpace Magazine, we sat down to map out exactly what sort of content we wanted in our new title. Our ... -
Parting the black clouds
We all experience ups and downs in our moods and very few people go through life on a consistently even keel. Life events challenge us ... -
Healing the weekend warrior
To ice or not to ice, that is the question. Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to apply heat… Apologies to Shakespeare, but there is often ... -
Oh … and by the way doc…
As Bill heads out the door of my consulting room with prescription in hand for his various ailments, he stops, turns and mentions: “Oh, by the ... -
Early detection is key
For males, prostate cancer gets a lot of air play and so it should. Its lesser known partner in crime, namely bowel cancer, kills a similar ... -
Gland you asked!
As blokes, we all know we have a prostate gland, but very few know why we have it, where it is and what it does. The ... -
Doctor in residence
Anyone watching the amazing physical feats in an AFL match – or many other elite sporting codes – would have to conclude that the players involved ...