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their FIT in return for funding them to
buy a home energy storage system. This
would have the dual benefit of eliminating
this long-term liability for governments
while kickstarting a home energy storage
industry in Australia – all using money that
they have already ‘spent’.
The remaining forward liability for a
given customer can be easily estimated
based on past subsidy payment patterns.
In many cases, governments may actually
spend less to subsidise a battery today
than to fund the long-running forward
liability of the FIT for the next 12 years.
The time is right for this sort of
innovative thinking. Over the past year,
Australia has emerged as a global battery
testing ground because of its widespread
deployment of solar panels and high
electricity costs.
Competition in the energy storage
sector is now creating a wider range of
choices and driving down prices. Global
companies such as Tesla, LG, Panasonic
and Enphase have entered the market
with lithium-based batteries, which are
based on an energy storage chemistry
developed for portable electronics such as
notebook computers and mobile phones
and, most recently, electric vehicles.
Australia also has its own horse
in this race in the form of Redflow
Limited, an ASX-listed company of
which I am CEO, executive chairman
and the largest shareholder. Brisbane-
based Redflow has developed the
world’s smallest flow battery, an
alternative chemistry to lithium-based
batteries, which offers compelling
advantages for on-grid and off-grid
stationary energy storage applications.
Redflow’s Australian-developed
zinc-bromine flow batteries are already
deployed in Australia, Africa, Asia, America
and Europe. Earlier this year, Redflow
launched its ZCell energy storage system
for the residential sector.
This activity shows that Australia
is entering the second phase of the
renewable energy revolution. The first
phase – which saw solar panels and
wind farms appear nationwide – had one
significant limitation – intermittency. The
sun doesn’t shine all the time nor does the
wind always blow.
The second phase of the renewable
energy revolution will bring widespread
deployment of batteries that will allow
renewably-sourced energy – specifically
wind and solar – to be stored and supplied
when it is required.
By solving the problem of intermittency,
energy storage systems will enable wind
and solar generated energy to become
available 24/7. This will create a viable
path for Australia to meet its renewable
energy targets by replacing fossil fuel-
powered baseload energy generators with
renewable energy stored in batteries.
This creates an enormous opportunity
for Australia at a number of levels – from
consumers and electrical contractors
to energy utilities and the Federal
Government. The solar FIT buyout
concept has generated significant
interest in the Australian renewable
energy sector and, according to media
reports, is being considered by the
Queensland Government.
When you look at the cascading levels
of benefits delivered by energy storage,
it’s easy to see why this proposal is
gaining widespread attention. Just as
with solar incentives, a solar FIT buyout
will prove politically popular with citizens
who increasingly regard home batteries
as a way to reduce electricity costs and
increase their energy independence.
For electrical contractors, energy
storage systems offer a ‘second breath’
for an industry that has grown strongly on
the back of installing solar panels. While
demand for solar installation remains
robust, growth has slowed considerably
since its peak in 2012 and 2013, when it
was fuelled by the availability of attractive
solar FITs.
Repurposing this same FIT expenditure
to encourage energy storage uptake will
support industry growth and build a wider
range of skills and experience in an area of
world-leading innovation.
This proposal has the virtue of re-using
funds previously committed to kickstarting
the PV solar panel sector to encourage the
emerging energy storage sector – with
associated jobs and business growth.
Widespread energy storage will also
benefit far-sighted electricity companies
by reducing demand during peak power
usage periods and giving them the
potential to buy home-stored energy as a
‘virtual’ on-demand power source rather
than relying on fossil fuel-driven peaking
gas generators.
Nationally, widespread energy storage,
both at the consumer level and the
grid scale, will help Australia achieve
its international carbon reduction
commitments by time-shifting renewable
energy so it can be used 24/7, not just
when the wind is blowing or when the sun
is shining.
So there is a compelling case at each of
these levels for state governments to buy
back existing long-term solar FIT liabilities
with an immediate incentive to buy and
install home batteries – which in many
cases will save these governments money.
Even consumers in those states,
such as NSW, which are terminating
generous FIT schemes in the near
future, can benefit from such a buyback
scheme. By encouraging battery uptake,
the buyout program will create greater
competition and drive down prices
throughout the country.
Swapping solar FITs for home battery
installations is not just a win-win: It’s the
gift that keeps on giving.
Simon Hackett is chief executive and
executive chairman of ASX-listed Australian
battery company Redflow Limited, which
has developed the world’s smallest flow
battery. Simon, a technology entrepreneur
who invests in innovative Australian
businesses, sold Internode in 2012 and
subsequently served as a director for iiNet
and NBN Co. Visit