www. e l e c t r i c a l c o nn e c t i o n . c om . a u
Mat’s team ran a 10-pair control cable
to each tower to enable individual
control of light tower switching, and
installed control cabinets at the base
of each tower for the lighting control
gear. This greatly improved accessibility
for future maintenance tasks, as well
as providing access to mount general
use power outlets.
A programmable logic controller (PLC)
was installed to achieve greater switching
control, and to achieve the three stages of
lumen control (50lux, 100lux and 200lux)
the project required. Walker Electrical also
had the lights run through PLC timers to
avoid massive inrush currents. Now, if all
the switches are turned on at once the
lights will progressively run through their
sequence and turn on systematically.
“We encountered some unique
challenges on the job,” says Mat.
“The heights you have to climb to when
aiming the lights take a bit of getting
used to. Also, because the ground is a
public venue, we had to allow for public
access throughout the job. This meant
barricading the areas we were working
on, and closing all the gates during the
erection of the towers.”
The job was the biggest ever
undertaken by Walker Electrical
Contracting and got Mat and his team
listed as finalists in NECA’s 2014 Victorian
Excellence Awards. But the bright lights of
Korumburra haven’t changed things too
much down at Walker Electrical, Matt’s just
glad they could help their local club and
add another satisfied customer to their list
in the process.
“Our company has changed only in
the valuable experience and confidence
gained from the project. We are still just a
small firm of six trying to the best job we
can - no matter what size the job.”
The new lighting system increased light
output tenfold, from 20lux to a possible
Pure Digital Interconnects