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Gary Busbridge
very hot water at very high pressures. These
are some of the most severe conditions that
a simple switch and socket outlet will be
exposed to.
It is crucial to choose appropriate industrial
switchgear made frommaterials specific
to the application. There is no single plastic
moulding material that can withstand myriad
attacks from chemicals such as caustic and
petroleum products. Speak with your supplier
and get the product in the correct moulding
material for your installation.
On the same theme but a different
product, antiseptic hand gel as used in
hospitals and clinics may be a problem for
moulding material. One report concerns a
hand gel dispenser next to a light switch,
and allegedly a couple of shocks have been
received from the switch. Initial investigation
by the contractor showed that residue from
the gel on the wall plate and switch actuator
was conductive.
Further investigation is needed, but this is
a word of warning. Hand gels have become
popular for everyday use at work or play, and
this may just be a problem in the making for
manufacturers, installers and users.
I will finish off with a non-compliance issue
that rattles my cage.
Many of the new entrants in the market
have moulded items that are copies of a
reputable manufacturer’s grid and removable
cover design.
My concern is that the mounting screws
of some newer products are accessible to
prying fingers if the cover is removed. These
covers are intended to be removed for
decoration or colour replacement. If the cover
is not reattached to the grid, the situation is
potentially unsafe.
The mounting screws protrude directly
into a space behind the walls that can be
occupied by single-insulated cables … live
cables. If a screw penetrates the insulation,
it becomes live and can be touched
inadvertently when the cover is off.
Check out the reputable manufacturer’s
products. There are deep recesses or caps
over the heads of the screws to protect
against inadvertent contact.
State regulators are now investigating the
newer products because of the mounting
screw problem.
So be diligent in relation to safe products
and installations, and promote similar
diligence among your customers. As we
know, there are no short-cuts to safety.
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