W I N T E R 20 1 6
www.mysmartcti.com.auCP Electronics has introduced new apps
that provide users with programming and
a broad functionality for lighting control
direct from their mobile phone.
Downloadable from the Google Play
Store, the apps are suitable for infrared-
enabled mobile phones working on
Android 4.1 Jelly Bean and above.
While the UHS7 app will have exactly
the same layout as the UHS7 handset,
many of the programming options
available via the UHS5 handset have
been streamlined,
making them
easier to use.
Users will be
able to raise and
lower lighting
levels, turn lights
on and off, and
select scenes.
www.repelec.com.auRepelec has announces the arrival of
Compendium 6
, the sixth edition of the
electrical industry’s ‘must have’ product
selection guide. This edition is the biggest
yet, with 47 additional product pages and
hundreds of new lines from several new
supplier partners.
Repelec now provides 140 brands
across 6 product categories. New in this
edition are a comprehensive range of
LED lamps and fittings from Energetic
Lighting, an array of LED torches from US
brand Coast, and a complete portfolio of
fastening systems from Velcro.
Kounis Metal Industries
www.kounis.com.auKounis Metal Industries has just released
a new fire-rated cable support system
into the Australian market.
The new system can support up to
150kg/m with a cable laying depth
of 105mm. The massive support
capabilities means that the largest of
cable runs can be achieved while still
maintaining compliance with AS/NZS
ISO 3013:2005 – two hours of up to
1,050ºC with a deflection of less
than 100mm.
www.satec-global.com.auSATEC has introduced its next
generation of multi-circuit branch
feeder metering for energy and load
management. The BFM II is a modular
format for 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 54 single
phase circuits and/or combination of 6,
8, 10, 12, 14, 18 3-phase circuits.
The ability to reduce cabinet space
and provide ease of installation along
with improved support for value added
functions such as programming, data
validation, commissioning on site
ensuring the complete solution is fully
functional are capabilities that ensure
the customer’s needs are fully met with
energy metering.
Keysight Technologies
www.keysight.comThe Keysight Technologies
PA2203A IntegraVision power
analyser combines accurate power
measurements and touch-driven
oscilloscope visualisation. Within
a single instrument, it delivers the
dynamic views you need to see,
measure and prove the performance
of your design.
You can use the wiring configurator
to quickly create and modify complex
3-phase connections (Delta andWye
configurations); verify 3-phase connections and visualise phase relationships
with the phasor diagram; visualise transients, in-rush currents and state
changes with a high-speed digitiser that captures voltage, current and power in
real time; and analyse power losses in the time and frequency domains using full
Nyquist rate-based computations.
Get your design and validation work done quickly, accurately and confidently
with IntegraVision’s ability to address multiple test scenarios with the flexibility
of wide-ranging, isolated inputs.