Halogen lights to disappear from Australian retail stores
Halogen lights will disappear from Australian retail stores within the next two years as the world moves to LED lights, according to Lighting Council Australia.
Lighting Council Australia has welcomed the recent COAG Energy Council Minister’s meeting, which endorsed a new regulatory approach for next-generation LED lighting in Australia.
The lighting industry had been facing a significant increase in compliance costs arising from a Commonwealth Department of Environment
proposal to be made under federal law.
“The earlier proposal would have been a disaster”, Lighting Council Australia chief executive Richard Mulcahy says.
“An additional $80 million worth of red tape would have raised consumer prices and have seen job losses in one of Australia’s few remaining viable manufacturing industries.”
The dispute was the subject of an intervention by Minister Frydenberg after significant industry representations.
“Minister Frydenberg should be applauded for his leadership. We are also extremely grateful for the support provided by Prime Minister Turnbull on this issue, Richard says.
“Halogen lamps use between three and five times as much electricity as new generation LED technology. As an industry committed to strong environmental outcomes, we’re pleased to play a major role in taking pressure off household and business budgets.”