Health & Safety
Man’s body discovered in roof cavity reinforces the importance of safety
The discovery of a man’s body inside a roof cavity in the Sydney suburb of Panania reinforces the importance of safety when working with live electricity. ... -
Apprentice death – a tragic reminder
The National Electrical and Communications Association has reminded electrical apprentices, electricians and contractors about the dangers of working with live electricity following the death of a young ... -
ACCC puts electricians and builders on notice that they must replace unsafe Infinity cables
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission is urging electricians and builders to replace dangerous Infinity electrical cables that were installed in up to 40,000 homes and ... -
SKL electrical cables prohibition
A prohibition notice has been issued to prevent sale and/or installation of some SKL brand thermo-plastic sheath (TPS) electrical cables marked 2013. These cables were imported and ... -
Solar power systems product recall reminder
The Electrical Safety Office has reminded electrical workers and contractors performing work on solar photovoltaic systems of recalled DC isolators that may still be installed. This ... -
Tradies raise $77k for mental health
As a result of ongoing work by Laser plumbing and electrical to raise both funds and awareness for Beyondblue and the importance of having good mental health ... -
Taskforce releases loose fill asbestos safety guide for tradies
The Loose Fill Asbestos Insulation Taskforce has produced a guide for anyone working in a property that contains loose fill asbestos insulation. Chair of the NSW ... -
Laser Tradies take on Kokoda for Mental Health
Twenty plumbers and electricians from the Laser Group will take on the Kokoda Track in June as they work to raise funds and awareness for the ... -
Physiotherapists call for health and safety to be a priority as tradies return to work in 2015
As Australia's hundreds of thousands of tradies settle back into work for 2015, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is urging employers and workers to make health ... -
The Worlds Greatest Shave
The World's Greatest Shave is back from March 12-15 and the Leukaemia Foundation is urging everyone to get behind it.