NECA Vic wants Melb. lockdown “short and sharp”
National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) Victorian executive director Pawel Podolski has cautiously endorsed tighter lockdown restrictions announced by the Victorian government but said it was ... -
WiFi, another tool on the sparkies’ belt
A solid WiFi connection is essential to our day-to-day lives, especially after the pandemic drastically changed working conditions. Sean Carroll speaks with Dicker Data about the ... -
New salts raise the bar for lithium-ion battery technology
Lithium-ion batteries are set to take a dominant role in EVs and other applications in the near future – but the battery materials, currently in use, ... -
ESP meets to review electrical safety documents
The Electrical Safety Project (ESP) members have met via a video conference to consider and discuss a draft Electrotechnology Apprenticeship Supervision Policy Guide, a draft ESP ... -
AGL invests $180 million in Torrens Island grid-scale battery
AGL has appointed technology group, Wärtsilä to construct the $180 million, 250MW Torrens Island grid-scale battery in South Australia. The Torrens Island grid-scale battery, expected to ... -
BLK Auto sells EV truck for IKEA in Queensland
Queensland-based specialist vehicle importer and distributor BLK Auto has sold its first EV truck in Australia to All Purpose Transport (APT), with the vehicle to be ... -
ENA welcomes AEMC’s small-scale solar reforms
Energy Networks Australia (ENA) has welcomed the final access and pricing determination for distributed energy resources (DER) handed down by the independent Australian Energy Market Commission ... -
AEMC finalises small-scale solar reforms to support grid, EVs
The Australian Energy Market Commission has finalised reforms designed to get more small-scale solar into the grid and support the growth of batteries and electric vehicles ... -
Outdoor solar services permitted in Victoria
From Tuesday, 10 August, outdoor services are permitted where physical distancing can be maintained. This applies to businesses providing the following services: Home solar panel installations (only for ... -
Monash, Griffith encouraging government to review EV taxation law
Researchers from Monash Business School and Griffith University are encouraging the Australian government to review taxation law to support the affordability of EVs and charging infrastructure. ...