ASTRI, AUSTELA joint statement on the capacity mechanism
The Australian Solar Thermal Research Institute (ASTRI) and the Australian Solar Thermal Industry Association (AUSTELA) has welcomed the Energy Security Board’s (ESB) discussion paper on the ... -
Protecting Australian from asbestos and knowing your obligations
The Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency has launched a new information campaign informing residential property buyers, sellers, renters and landlords of their responsibilities and rights when ... -
Up to $45 million to extend operations of the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics
ARENA has announced up to $45 million in funding to the Australian Centre for Advanced Photovoltaics (ACAP) to extend operations of their cutting-edge solar photovoltaic (PV) ... -
EEC launches Professional Certifications for energy management
Australia needs a trained and experienced energy workforce to transition to net zero. With this in mind, the Energy Efficiency Council (EEC), Australia’s peak body for ... -
Arcstream launches Australian-first innovative end-to-end solar solution
Solar power company QCELLS recently expanded its business, launching an end-to-end solar energy solution, matched with an innovative energy plan pricing model for its new brand, ... -
Pierlite, Signify purchase SenseAgent’s technology portfolio
Pierlite, a leading provider of lighting and technology solutions in Australia and New Zealand, has acquired the SenseAgent smart building technology portfolio from Levaux for an ... -
NECA welcomes “once in a generation” NSW State Budget
The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) has congratulated the NSW government for its financial commitment to infrastructure spending. NSW has committed to spending $112.7 billion ... -
Major shopping centres charging up for EV drivers
Accessibility for drivers of EVs is getting a big boost as EV charging stations open at 16 major shopping centres nationwide over the next month. AMP ... -
Electrical apprentices are missing out on wage rise
The Fair Work Commission’s decision to increase the minimum wage by 5.2% has been welcomed by the country’s lowest-paid workers. However, Electrical Trades Union (ETU) acting ... -
What do the electrical award wage rises mean for you?
On 15 June 2022, the Fair Work Commission announced the annual wage review 2021-2022 decision. The Electrical, Electronic and Communications Contracting Award 2020 (Electrical Award) and ...