Electrical Connection is turning 20
Paul Skelton looks back at how the magazine has survived, thrived and dived into many of the issues surrounding the industry. The year was 1995. John ... -
BOB HARPER: Fuses confusing?
In solar systems, fires are caused by bad connections rather than fault currents. Bob Harper explains. After a recent house fire in which solar panels were ... -
Evaporative cooling… The rationale evaporates
Those roof-top systems that rely on water evaporating just don’t measure up compared with modern air-conditioning. John Konstantakopolous and Matthew Wright present the argument. To anyone ... -
DAVID HERRES: Let’s dish about dishwashers
Domestic dishwashers are practically standard equipment these days. David Herres outlines procedures for diagnosing and repairing them. Domestic dishwashers differ from the commercial units installed in ... -
The rise of the microinverter
Solar microinverters convert DC to AC. SolarBusinessServices director Nigel Morris explains how the technology is changing solar business models. Someone asked me a great question recently: ... -
CHRIS HALLIDAY: A life-saving trip
Do we need RCDs on all circuits, including stoves and hot water units, above and beyond the rules? Chris Halliday examines an important safety matter. Electricians, ... -
GARY BUSBRIDGE: Expectant excursions
Standards committees are buzzing with activity, and Gary Busbridge sees parallels in business opportunities for contractors. The Buzz is expecting in 2015 – no, I am ... -
Feed-in facts
As ‘distributed generation’ increases, there’s work to be done on power quality by electricity suppliers and the solar industry. Phil Kreveld reports. The growth of solar ... -
Understand asbestos and breathe easy
Exposure to asbestos is an ongoing concern, but there are some younger members of the industry who have no idea what to look out for. Paul ... -
Chinese panels… they really do stack up?
Solar panels from China are not necessarily inferior, as they often use Western technology under licence. Phil Kreveld draws attention to other important quality and performance ...