an app. It’s possible for example to
individually modify colour temperature
(e.g. warm white or cool white) according
to individual wishes with the tunable
white function.
A human centric lighting solution was
developed for the relaxation and dining
area based on various LED luminaires
– a daylight ceiling for example with
Siteco Mira luminaires and tunable
white functionality enables activating
or calming light scenes. The professional
e:cue light management system also
allows lighting to be individually
controlled, e.g. using a time and
calendar function for supporting the day-
night rhythm.
The memory centre managers are
hoping for concrete benefits for the
treatment of dementia – one problematic
symptom of dementia is often a shifted
day-night rhythm due to the biological
effect of light not being adequately
processed, resulting in the need for
higher light intensities. The aim is to re-
stabilise the day-night rhythm, i.e. more
light during the day should extend the
daytime activated phase so that patients
can sleep throughout the night.
Cutting-edge lighting installations
from Osram Lighting Solutions provide
the right light at the right time in the
memory centre. This in turn creates
the preconditions for analysing the
biological effectiveness of light, and
for contributing to essential treatment
success. The showrooms of the memory
centre demonstrate to relatives or
other health providers what can be
achieved in total with modern lighting
technology. Professor Sprick is sure that
corresponding solutions will also be used
in the future in other sectors, such as
depression stations or pain clinics.
Osram senior product manager
Andreas Pickelein summarises: “Human
centric lighting solutions from Osram
basically focus on people and their
needs for light. The advanced solutions
installed by us in the memory centre
support everyday activities, but also
the circadian rhythm that we all need
to achieve biological effectiveness. As a
consequence, we’ve got solutions here
that have positive benefits for the
human organism and far exceed standard
visual effects.”