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The chief international body that
sets electrotechnology standards is the
International Electrotechnical Commission,
or the IEC. Australia is represented
through our National Committee to
the IEC (AU NC IEC). Standards Australia
holds the role of Secretary for the AU
NC IEC and administers the activities of
the committee.
Made up of key representatives
from the government, industries, and
testing bodies, this committee shapes
Australia’s strategic involvement in the
development of international standards
at the IEC. The AU NC IEC also deliberates
on how best Australia can have its say
on issues surrounding lighting
and electric appliances, especially
conformance issues in increasingly
globalised manufacturing chains. The
AU NC IEC also has the potential to
provide strategic direction to Australian
stakeholders on emerging key areas of
interest, such as smart grids, electric
vehicles, photovoltaic technology and
the Internet of Things (IoT).
Australia is a participating member
on 99 IEC technical committees and
subcommittees, and holds observer
member status on a further 55
committees, in areas as diverse as smart
grids, radiation protection, lighting and
solar. Australia is also represented on all
major IEC governance bodies including
the IEC Council Board (IEC CB), the IEC
Strategic Management Board (IEC SMB)
and the IEC Conformity Assessment
Board (IEC CAB).
The committee has been instrumental
in ensuring Australia is adequately
represented internationally and the
interests of Australian workers, businesses
and government are advocated in
the international arena. By ensuring
Australia’s voice is heard in the global
conversation, the AU NC IEC forms a
vital part of Australia’s standards and
conformance infrastructure. If you have
any standards-related issue that you
would like to see addressed globally,
reach out to Standards Australia, and
keep in mind the AU NC IEC is here to
represent your interests.
> Standards Australia