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A recent survey of 120 electricians
conducted by NECA reveals that
while 46% are familiar with Digital
Addressable Lighting Interface (DALI) –
the global standard for lighting control
communications, as specified by the
International Electrotechnical Commission
(IEC 62386) – only 19% have completed
any formal training on the subject.
Further, 83% of respondents said they
would attend industry training on DALI
and its implementation if it was made
available and 89% recorded interest in
receiving a fact sheet and/or training.
The survey also reveals that in contrast
to the low numbers of respondents
who have completed formal training,
57% report to have experience with the
devices, installation, programming and
design of DALI lighting solutions.
In September, around 400 plumbers
and electricians from A/NZ will
descend on Fiji for the annual Laser
Group conference. In line with the
company’s commitment to being
socially responsible, many of the
men and women of Laser will arrive
a day early to take part in the Laser
Group Charity Taskforce project.
The Taskforce sees members of
Laser Group take on a local project,
using their skills to give back to the
community hosting the conference.
With the conference being held in a
different place each year, charities
that have received assistance from
the Group include Habitat for
Humanity in New Zealand as well as
the Gold Coast Youth Services and
Variety in Australia.
This year’s chosen project will
focus on children, with the Group
working with the Fijian Ministry of
Education to help improve two local
schools with combined enrollments
of almost 2,000 students.
The Votualevu Public School
currently has 923 students enrolled
up to year 7 as well as 115 enrolled at
preschool level. Established in 1926,
the school is one of Nadi’s pioneer
schools and has been affected by fire
and floods in recent years.
The Laser Group Taskforce will
install new roofing on one of the
buildings as well as install drainage,
a new water pump and trough for
the children to drink at. While to
most these are basic requirements,
the children currently have to move
rooms when it rains and straddle a
crude drain to access water to drink.
At the same time, the Group will be
working on the library, painting the
walls and installing bookcases for
the books which have been donated
by Laser Group Members.
In addition to the primary school,
the Laser Electricians will also work
on Nadi Technical School. Opened
earlier this year, the technical school
oversees the training of some 400
students in a number of trade areas.
The school also runs short courses
with 200 students currently enrolled.
Over the past 12 months, the Laser
Group has also raised over $150,000
for charity group beyondblue, to
raise awareness about depression in
the trade sector.
In excess of 2,000 industry members
attended SPARC International Lighting Event
2015 from 27-29 May in Sydney.
Held at Sydney Exhibition Centre at
Glebe Island, SPARC 2015 featured an
exhibition of around 80 lighting companies,
a speaker program of renowned
international and Australian experts and a
concluding gala dinner.
“This is the third SPARC International
Lighting Event to be held and SPARC has
truly secured its place as the Southern
Hemisphere’s leading event for lighting
professionals and stakeholders in the built
environment,” SPARC chief executive Bryan
Douglas says.
The exhibition showcased leading
edge innovations, products and
technology — reflecting developments
in interior, exterior, retail and commercial
lighting and lighting controls. Exhibiting
companies ranged from large multi-
nationals to smaller niche businesses from
across Australia and overseas.
Solid state lighting and lighting controls
technology featured prominently.
The nbn (formerly NBN Co.) will embark on
one of Australia’s largest workforce training
initiatives, to ensure the network can be
rolled out sooner.
Under the workforce training scheme,
nbn will work with delivery partners to
recruit and train around 4,500 workers. This
will see the current project construction
workforce doubled, with around 9,000
workers employed at the peak of the rollout.
The scheme will target both school
leavers and people who have worked in
the industry who require retraining.
Under the scheme, nbn will work with
training organisations including TAFEs
and private providers, to deliver relevant
training programs, while delivery partners
will be responsible for providing on-the-job
training. To regitser your interest, visit