Labour Hire toolkit gives workers a nation-first safety tool
An Australian-first toolkit to improve safety for labour hire workers, including a worker guide and a self-assessment checklist for businesses, has been launched as part of ... -
NECA welcomes ACT’s clean commitment
The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) has welcomed the ACT’s reaffirmed commitment to reducing emissions and electrifying its economy with a $63 million budget over ... -
AEMC extends time to consider generator registrations and connections
The Australian Energy Market Commission (AEMC) will extend the time to consider generator registrations and connections by three weeks and publish the final determination for the rule ... -
NECA welcomes NSW’s electrically powered path to net zero
The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) has welcomed the NSW government’s adjusted commitment to a more ambitious 50% emissions reduction target by 2030, compared to ... -
QBCC redefines rules for electricians installing single head split air-conditioning systems
NECA’s lobbying with the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) has redefined the rules for an electrician installing a single split head air-conditioning system. The rules ... -
CSIRO, Optus release research mitigating telecommunications bushfire risks
Australia’s national science agency, CSIRO, and Optus have released findings of a joint nationwide project to improve bushfire resilience of critical telecommunications. The research analysed where ... -
Minamata Convention on Mercury to be ratified in early 2022
The Australian Government is in the process of formally ratifying the Minamata Convention on Mercury. Once ratified, Australia will be bound under international law to meet ... -
$50 million to ramp up microgrids in regional Australia
The Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA), on behalf of the Australian government, has announced the launch of the $50 million Regional Australia Microgrid Pilots Program (RAMPP) ... -
NECA response to local sparkies help schools shine announcement
The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) has welcomed the NSW Government’s announcement calling for local tradies to install smart LED lights in public schools right ... -
NECA: ETU industrial action hurting NSW recovery
The Electrical Trades Union’s (ETU) campaign of protected industrial action (PIA) is hurting electrical contractors and delaying projects that are critical to keeping people in work ...