Tradies National Health Month
August is Tradies National Health Month and as part of the awareness activities taking place, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is hosting a free breakfast on 1 August at the RSEA work ... -
GBCA bring in carbon zero buildings
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) has announced the introduction of carbon zero buildings. GBCA released new versions of the Green Star Interiors rating tools ... -
The Building Ministers’ Forum takes action
The Building Ministers’ Forum (BMF) has been working tirelessly on proactive and appropriate responses to building fires to ensure high-rise buildings are safe and the enforcement ... -
Solarwatt and Fronius to enter partnership
Solarwatt has announced a partnership with Fronius Solar Energy, which will include a global distribution agreement, the inclusion of partner products in the respective portfolios and joint ... -
Trade business continues to grow
The Laser Group has announced LaserCon 2017, which was held in Cairns, was a success, with nearly 600 plumbers, electricians and their suppliers from Australia and ... -
NHP make a difference through community partnerships
NHP has announced a partnership with Southern Cross Kids’ Camps (SCKC), a local not-for-profit organisation. NHP’s support will help SCKC in running a network of camps ... -
Plumbers and electricians making a difference
This year, as part of LaserCon, 120 plumbers and electricians from Laser Plumbing & Electrical converged on Centennial Lodge as part of a taskforce project. The ... -
Australia’s third-largest wind farm switches on to full capacity
Victoria’s Ararat 240MW wind farm has officially opened and is now operating at full capacity. This means the wind farm is now providing enough electricity to power ... -
Kiwi’s a mile ahead on data-thinking
Australia should be looking to New Zealand when it comes to the electronic traceability of construction products writes Jeff Patchell. The Australian construction industry is a ... -
Evolt announce new generation of lighting control systems
Zencontrol’s new generation of lighting control systems has recently been introduced in Australia by Evolt. The collaboration between Evolt and Zencontrol relies on a Zencontrol ...