Accelerating the rollout of smart meters
The AEMC has announced that work will recommence on its review of the regulatory framework for metering services. The review was paused in November 2021 as part of an adjustment to the AEMC’s sequencing of work.
Following the recommencement, the AEMC will work with stakeholders to progress a package of measures to accelerate the rollout of smart meters, improving the efficiency of installations and enabling appropriate access to data from meters in the National Electricity Market. Prior to the review pause, the Commission received over 60 well-considered submissions from stakeholders.
The AEMC acknowledged the high level of stakeholder interest and enthusiasm in this review and remains committed to reforms to the regulatory framework for metering services.
AEMC chair Anna Collyer thanks the many stakeholders who had contributed to the metering review so far, saying the quality of their contributions confirmed the benefits of smart meters for both individuals and the community: “Smart meters, providing greater access to real-time data and facilitating innovation, will play a crucial part in Australia’s smarter networks of the future.”
The Commission is inviting stakeholders to engage with the AEMC to share their ideas and feedback as work begins on developing the draft report.