Toro Trencher assists with NBN rollout in NSW

Port Macquarie based, NIS specialises in the installation and construction of underground and overhead fibre optic cabling and is a sub contractor for Silcar who has the main contract for the NBN Installation.
With 93% of Australian homes, schools and businesses gaining access to a high-speed broadband network through fibre cabling over the next ten years, installers are requiring machinery that is efficient and effective.
“As we are digging into public footpaths and private property, the choice of machinery was essential,” says NIS business manager David Relf.
“We needed something that was fast, reliable and had a light footprint to minimise potential damage to the land along which we were travelling,” he says.
“After extensive research we decided that Toro had an excellent reputation for reliability and offered machines that were best suited for the job in terms of size and capability.
“In late 2011 we purchased five Toro trenchers with back fill blades and we are really pleased with the purchase.”
We chose two TRX – 525 wide-track mini-loaders, one TRX -26 and two TX-19 trenchers as they offered the right mix of performance and capability.
As we have to work in a variety of conditions and locations, we thought the sit down TRX-525 wide track mini-loader would be perfect for working in wide spaces and the walk behind TX -19 and TRX-26 more suited for the often tight spaces of front yards.
“Feedback from our installation crews is that the Toro trenchers cut a fine trench and provide a very neat finish on lawns.
“Having tools with a track system rather than wheels allows for a much tighter turning area, increased stability and eliminates tyre ruts.
“The easy-to-use control system doesn’t require jerk-style steering like handle bar trenchers. Three simple controls operate all traction and trenching functions, which make it easy for our crews to use.
Toro Australia senior sales manager Sally Wade says the new to market TRX-26 Toro trencher is becoming a popular choice in the market for people laying pipes or cables.
“With its 19.4kW (26 hp) Kawasaki twin-cylinder engine, the TRX-26 is the most powerful dedicated walk-behind trencher on the market.
“It is ideal for utility workers, irrigation contractors and plumbers looking for the power of a ride-on trencher, with the manoeuvrability, price and control of a walk-behind.”
The combination of a width of just 86cm means tradespeople can bring a power excavation tool through doorways and gates previously accessible only by manual labour, and its 15cm wide nylon reinforced rubber track means low impact upon the ground surface.
The option of three chain widths 4″ (10.2 cm), 6″ (15.2 cm) and 8″ (20.3 cm) and chain options tailored to different surfaces such as rock or soil allow operators to deliver a trench specific to the needs of the client.
Another popular feature is the Toro trencher crumber, designed specifically to make the trench bottom clean and smooth. The crumber follows behind the chain to clean all “crumbs” from the bottom of the trench.
An optional feature that aids in the transport of the machine is Toro’s custom TRX trailer with an easyto-use, built-in securing system, which eliminates the need for straps or tie-downs. The tailgate design also makes it easier to load than tilt-bed trailers.