SAFETY NOTICE: Beware the imitators of NHP’s LOCKDIN captive DIN-T locking device

Most likely sourced from neighbouring countries, these inferior copies of the LOCKDIN device pose a genuine safety risk and should be avoided at all costs.
The imitation product can be identified by the following attributes:
• The plastic base is fabricated from a flexible material. As a result, the metal arm can flex around the MCB toggle so that it can be easily defeated, even when padlocked. It is also very easy to remove entirely, padlocked or not. This is a serious safety concern.
• The base moulding cannot accommodate the auxiliary filler accessory due to incorrectly formed cavities.
• The bottom of the base moulding (refer photograph) is not rounded. This design change was introduced in 2012 to facilitate the fitment of a Lock-Din/MCB combination to the NHP NC chassis.
• The tag clip on the copy LOCKDIN appears to be glued on. It is easily bent or detached with minimal force.
• The right angle on the metal arm is not straight.
This inferior copy is in breach of NHP’s patent on this product. The company’s greatest concern is that a customer may be unaware they have purchased the inferior product which can be easily defeated and pose significant safety risks. If you have LOCKDIN devices on your site and are unsure of their origin, please inspect the devices for the attributes as listed above.
NHP Sales and Application Engineering teams will gladly assist you to identify any non-conforming items. The company is in the process of adding the NHP logo to its moulding tools to mitigate this situation in the future.