Review of the Electrical Safety Act 2002
The Electrical Safety Act 2002 is under review by Queensland Building and Construction Commission Board chair Dick Williams.
The review will look at Queensland’s electrical safety laws and ways in which it can continue to provide safety standards for workers and communities. It also aims to find ways in which emerging technologies have led to changes in electricity generation, storage and supply across the state.
It will consider updates to the objects of the Act and regulation-making powers to address the following key issues:
- The relevance and effectiveness of all definitions under the Act.
- The relevance and effectiveness of all duties and requirements under the Act (and any subordinate legislation), including on suppliers and generating entities.
- The alignment of provisions in the Act with Queensland’s work health and safety legislation.
- Future proofing the Act for new and emerging energy technologies, including renewable energy generation and storage devices.
Dick adds that he will consult heavily with industry stakeholders, unions and the community to inform content of the review.