Phoenix Contact termination carriers

Using standard interfaces that are also used in individual applications simplifies documentation, commissioning, and engineering. The stable, vibration-resistant aluminium profile features a DIN rail contour that accommodates device families ranging from the highly compact Mini Analog isolation amplifiers via Macx analog isolation amplifiers for SIL applications and Ex i-power circuits, to functionally safe PSR coupling relays for process automation.
Its compact design, space-saving connection arrangement, and integrated end mounts mean the carrier is up to 30 percent smaller than similar solution. The modular supply concept ensures high system availability. The DIN rail devices are connected via support rail connectors with separate supply and error reporting modules. In addition to a redundant supply and monitoring feature, this also offers the advantage that the termination PCB is not just mechanical but also electronically decoupled and has no moving components.
The product range includes universal termination carriers for up to 16 interface modules with 1:1 signal allocation with or without the extraction of HART data. Other versions can be optimised for controller-specific I/O modules using various system cables and grid-free lengths.