Health & Safety
SafeWork NSW and NECA work together
SafeWork NSW and NECA are working together to promote safe working practices and hazard awareness in the electrotechnology industry. Workshops across the state will showcase hazards ... -
Laser Group raises $132,000 for beyondblue
When the statistics of depression within the construction industry were released not too long ago, it was a no brainer that Laser Plumbing & Electrical managing ... -
WorkSafe cracking down on workplace bullying
A three-year program set in place by WorkSafe will attempt to target workplace bullies and teach employers about abusive behaviour in the workplace and how to ... -
Tradies National Health Month
August is Tradies National Health Month and as part of the awareness activities taking place, the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) is hosting a free breakfast on 1 August at the RSEA work ... -
Laser Plumbing and Electrical work with Beyond Blue
Thirty plumbers and electricians from Australia and New Zealand will be embarking on a 3,500km motorcyle ride from Melbourne to Cairns in a bid to ... -
NECA shines light on asbestos
The National Electrical and Communications Association (NECA) has supported calls for vendor disclosure law reform that assist with buyers of old residential properly that may contain ... -
Work safety convention coming to Sydney
More than 5,000 decision makers in Workplace Health & Safety (WHS) across manufacturing, government, construction, healthcare, transport, distribution, cleaning and engineering will gather in Sydney on ... -
Tragic death provides warning for working with live electricity
A tragic death of a retired electrician on the Gold Coast yesterday reinforces the dangers of working with live electricity. Initial investigations of the incident by Queensland’s ... -
Dangers highlighted by the electrocution of Victorian dairy farmer
The electrocution of a dairy farmer in the Victorian town of Yarroweyah last week highlights the dangers of working in, and around electricity, and in the ... -
Melbourne electrocution: another sad day for our industry
The death of a 24 year old man, Adem Kartel, whilst working in the Melbourne suburb of Dallas is another sad reminder of the dangers of ...