Philips celebrates 100 years of research
Royal Philips celebrated the one hundredth anniversary of Philips Research at a special stakeholder event in Eindhoven. -
Clean Energy Council to host Wind Industry Forum
The Clean Energy Council is hosting a Wind Industry Forum for everyone who works on the technical side of wind farms, or wants to know more ... -
Non-conforming products widespread across building and construction sector
New Ai Group research reveals the widespread use of non-conforming products across the building and construction sector. -
Female tradies solution for apprentice shortage
There’s a growing band of enthusiastic women who are ‘pulling on the boots’, mixing it with the guys and training to become tradeswomen across traditionally male ... -
NEXTDC M1 is first data centre to go live with REC solar panels
REC, a leading global provider of solar energy solutions, has continued its ascendancy in Australia by providing REC Peak Energy Series solar panels for Australia’s largest ... -
National Electrical Licensing abandoned by COAG
NECA is pleased that COAG has today refused to sign-off on the inferior national electrical licensing scheme proposal presented earlier in the year. NECA believes the ... -
RET review about to begin
It is just 12 months since the last comprehensive review into the Renewable Energy Target (RET) legislation was completed, but any day now the new Federal ... -
Austest to provide vibration and shock seminar
Austest Laboratories in Castle Hill NSW will be conducting a seminar at the end of January which would be of interest to environmental engineers and project ... -
NECA Skills Centre trade teacher wins the 2013 Award
Kevin Stevens – an instructor at Training Coordinator NECA Skills Centre Victoria, has been awarded the Trade Teacher of the Year Award for 2013 at a ... -
Strategic partnership agreement announced for Urban Group Energy, Solar Juice
Retail solar businesses across Australia are apparently set to benefit from the strategic partnership recently announced between Urban Group Energy (UGE) and Solar Juice.