Safework warns of drugs causing hallucinations entering worksites
Deadly new designer drugs which can cause severe hallucinations and erratic behaviour among users are making their way into the Australian workplace. Australia’s largest workplace drug ... -
NECA pushes for ABCC re-establishment
Australia’s Electrical Contracting sector has once again urged the Senate to pass legislation to re-establish the Australian Building and Construction Commission (ABCC). The Building and Construction ... -
Federal government pushes for energy efficient lighting upgrades
The federal government’s equipment energy efficiency (E3) program has released a consultation paper to consider a range of policy options to improve energy efficiency lighting for residential ... -
Laser Group managing director calls for apprenticeship program reform
The option of trades and apprenticeships as a career choice needs to be promoted from early childhood if we are to turn around the current deficit ... -
How high solar PV penetration may cause grid instability
Global Sustainable Energy Solutions (GSES) has released a technical white paper, entitled ‘The Duck Curve – the Duck Hunting Season We Want to Have’, to explain ... -
What is the future for Standards’ development?
I took a call last week from a colleague who had recently seen a report in the financial press that the publicly listed SAI Global had ... -
NECA commends Fair Work Amendment Bill progress
The senate’s passage of the Fair Work (registered organisations) Amendment Bill 2014 has been described as a victory for common sense by NECA chief executive Suresh ... -
2016’s best electrical apprentices and teachers recognised
Australia’s brightest electrical apprentices were recognised by NECA at its National Apprentice Awards event at the Hyatt Hotel in Canberra. The awards are held annually to acknowledge ... -
The best electrical projects of 2016 honoured
The nation’s best electrical and communications projects were recognised at the annual electrical and communications industry’s Excellence Awards, hosted by NECA yesterday. State winners from across ... -
NHP opens Melbourne training facilitiy
NHP has opened a training facility in Mebourne called the NHP Power Hub. The facility showcases a range of power distribution solutions highlighting medium voltage capabilities. ...