Peter Vandenheuvel celebrated in Standards Australia’s Centenary Heroes campaign
Our birthday Standards Heroes have been nominated by their peers to represent all our contributors – individuals we consider to be the real heroes of standards, ... -
Can a fixed-price contract become not fixed?
Given the current economic times and the well-documented shortage of building materials, the industry is asking whether price and labour increases can be ‘passed on’ to ... -
Key steps for successful solar lighting project
Need to deliver a successful outdoor solar lighting project? Orca Solar Lighting’s John Warren runs through seven steps to get the job done. When planned, selected ... -
What will microgrids mean for Aussie electricians?
Microgrids have grown considerably since they were ushered in nearly a century ago. Phil Kreveld looks at where they stand and what it’ll do for the ... -
High Voltage: Close calls shouldn’t be ignored
In each edition of the Electrical Connection magazine, Dale West has included a personal story about how an incident affected someone, either the injured person, their ... -
Standards Australia’s Iconic Nation Report
Ahead of its 100th anniversary, Standards Australia has released the Iconic Nation Report. Standards Australia looks at its 100-year legacy, the disasters which shaped national standards, ... -
Green against black – the future of electricity
The electrical industry is changing and the way we get power already isn’t the same as it always was. Phil Kreveld looks at what’s happening and ... -
The top six employment law myths in the trades
There are some still commonly stated myths in the employment law area among trades. Paul Cott myth busts the six most common ones. Myth number 1 ... -
Risks can be catastrophic or insignificant, you choose
Risks are everywhere in the workplace, especially in the electrical industry. Peter Vandenheuvel writes about everything you need to be conscious of. Risks, they are everywhere. ... -
Offering a complete solar solution
As solar power is increasingly adopted across the country, there are plenty of opportunities for electricians to open steady revenue streams. Phil Kreveld writes about the ...