Hope takes off with Samsung and Variety

Variety, the children’s charity, has announced a new partnership for 2009 with Samsung Australia, called Hope Takes Off.
Variety is a not for profit organisation committed to nurture and enrich the lives of special needs or disadvantaged children, from newborn through age eighteen, and their families, schools, medical facilities and associated support organisations, via mutually rewarding, transparent, sustainable partnerships with corporate and private supporters as well as high profile events, under three umbrella programs.
For more than 30 years Variety in Australia has been the front line in filling many children’s needs covered by no other organisation. Prosthetic limbs, wheelchairs, walking frames, intensive care hospital equipment and ambulances, liberty swings for wheelchair bound children, sunshine coaches and contributions to wheelchair car conversions are examples of equipment Variety provides to enable all children to experience life, happiness and be the best they can.
Samsung’s Hope Takes Off is a charity initiative with a difference. Through it the company aims to do more than just raise social awareness by providing the means for communities to contribute to causes close to their heart.
Samsung Australia will be providing $180,000 to Variety to be distributed among the three major Variety grants programs:
• Variety Caring for Kids program which supports health services including hospitals, intensive care units and specialised medical services.
• Variety Future Kids program helps special needs and disadvantaged children in a number of ways. Funds are provided for equipment that will be used by more than one child, such as computers and educational equipment.
• Variety Freedom program provides for mobility, communication devices and independence such as wheelchairs, Liberty Swings and Sunshine Coaches.
The various grants will work towards encouraging underprivileged and special needs children to achieve their own success and embrace the opportunities made available. By visiting www.samsunghope.org, Australians can determine the distribution of the $180,000 in funds donated by Samsung across Variety’s three major grants programs.
Ms Chris McMillan, CEO of Variety NSW has called the partnership a wonderful example of the kind of things that are possible when positive people with good ideas work together.
She says, “I thank Samsung for their generosity and commitment in supporting the work that Variety does. This partnership will enable us to help the increasing numbers of children and their families who are relying on Variety.”
• Visit www.samsunghope.org
• Click ‘Add your pledge’
• Click on the program you want to vote for
• Click on the balloon you like most
• Enter your details and a note. Click the right red arrow.
• Click to add your pledge
For more information on the Hope Takes Off initiative please contact Simon Harris at Variety on 02 9819 1014.