Tech Council of Australia unveils Consumer Energy Tech Alliance
The Tech Council of Australia (TCA) has launched the Consumer Energy Tech Alliance (CETA). The CETA is an initiative to support Australia’s energy transition, drive tech innovation and empower consumers.
CETA aims to control and stabilise the growing adaption of solar, battery storage and smart technologies in the energy grid as consumers become energy producers.
TCA chief executive Damian Kassabgi says that the CTA sparks an exciting opportunity for more renewable energy generation, as well as more stability and lower energy prices.
“CETA is based on three key pillars that include placing consumers at the heart of energy transition, lowering power prices and increasing system reliability,” he says.
“Ensuring a fair and competitive environment for Australia’s energy technology innovators is critical nowadays.”
Damian says that as renewable energy adoption increases in the country, the need for a more stable and efficient integration into the grid is vital.
“CETA champions a balanced approach, combining innovation with system security so that Australia can realise the full potential of its consumer energy resources.”
TCA board director Scott Farquhar says that Australian’s will benefit considerably from the effects of CETA.
“Australians must be empowered to choose energy solutions that align with their needs and are incentivised to ensure consumer energy resources are promoted as a cornerstone of the national energy agenda,” he says.
“This is the spark that will ensure Australia builds a flexible and reliable decentralised energy system, one that accelerates the energy transition and showcases amazing homegrown talent.”
Brighte chief executive Katherine McConnell and founding member of CETA emphasises the requirement for a roust regulatory framework and technical standards to provide the needed amount of stability of the energy sector.
“We’re committed to working with government and consumers to make sure technology plays a critical role in building a more efficient and inclusive energy system for all Australians,” she says.
“CETA provides a unified platform where energy technology companies have the opportunity to help shape energy policy and foster an ecosystem where big ideas and collaborations thrive.”