The ACMA proposes to remake Telecommunications Determination
The Telecommunications (Section of Telecommunications Industry) Determination 2003 (No. 1) (the Telecommunications Determination) is due to ‘sunset’ on 1 April 2015.
The ACMA has formed the preliminary view that this cabling instrument is operating effectively and continues to form a necessary part of the cabling legislative framework. As such, the ACMA proposes to remake it without any substantive changes prior to the sunset date. The only changes proposed are minor editorial changes such as updating outdated references and some minor formatting changes to improve layout and presentation.
The Telecommunications Determination specifies cabling service operators to be a section of the telecommunications industry under subsection 110(3) of the Telecommunications Act 1997 (the Act). Cabling service operators are persons that supply, or arrange to supply, cabling services on a commercial basis and includes businesses that arrange for the installation, connection or maintenance of customer cabling.
The effect of the Telecommunications Determination is that an industry code registered by the ACMA under Part 6 of the Act may apply to cabling service operators.
The ACMA welcomes submissions on the proposed remaking of the Telecommunications Determination. Interested parties are invited to comment on the proposed changes and to identify any additional matters that may require clarification or amendment. Industry participants, consumer bodies and members of the public are invited to make a submission by close of business, Monday 2 February 2015.
To find out how to make a submission, click here.