Siemon Universal Modular Furniture Adapter
Unlike prior designs that require multiple furniture brand-specific adapters and require advance knowledge of actual mounting dimensions, Siemon’s universal adapter adjusts to fit any known mounting requirement. This capability allows contractors and end-users to cost effectively procure a single mounting solution to supports a wide range of work area connectivity needs.
The universal mounting frame securely attaches to the complete range of furniture opening sizes (33mm to 44.4mm high by 67mm to 76mm wide), providing simple, snap-in attachment of the adapter’s low-profile faceplates. This snap-in mounting feature uses robust latching elements to ensure secure faceplate and outlet retention while providing quick and easy installation.
The Universal Modular Furniture Adapter is available with 4-port MAX-style and single coupler CT-style faceplates to support Siemon connectivity options and configurations. The extended design of these faceplates provides additional mounting depth and cable management space, helping maintain bend radius compliance in space challenged and often congested modular furniture pathways. Optional angled CT adapters further extend mounting clearance for larger-diameter, high-performance cabling with strict bend radius limits.
The adapter’s low profile, impact-resistant faceplate design eliminates catch points to reduce potential damage due to incidental contact – a common concern in modular furniture connectivity solutions. The angled orientation also delivers better label visibility in low-light, confined locations common to modular furniture applications.